In the era of advanced technology and evolving social dynamics, the 2025 film “Companion” offers a gripping narrative that delves into the complexities of human connection and artificial intelligence. Directed by Drew Hancock and starring Sophie Thatcher and Jack Quaid, this sci-fi thriller follows Iris, a humanoid robot designed for perfect companionship, as she navigates a weekend getaway with her boyfriend and his friends. But when Iris’s programming goes awry, the group is thrust into a chaotic battle for survival. With its blend of dark humor, horror, and social commentary, “Companion” poses profound questions about loneliness, control, and the commodification of relationships in a post-capitalist society. Dive into our review to explore the twists and turns of this thought-provoking film.


  1. There have been two moments in my life when I was happiest. The first was the day I met Josh. And the second, the day I killed him.

Companion Movie Quotes7

  1. Just relax. Remember to smile and act happy.

Companion Movie Quotes7

  1. What are you doing? Shut her down already.

  2. This was not part of the plan.

Companion Movie Quotes7

  1. I didn’t mean to.

  2. Did you jailbreak your sex bot?

Companion Movie Quotes7

  1. The days of you controlling me are over.

Companion Movie Quotes7

  1. Are you breaking up with me? It’s not you. It’s me.

Companion Movie Quotes7

  1. Yeah. She’s tied up inside, so she’s not going anywhere.

  2. Shh Baby, I’m on the phone.

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