Netflix’s Bodyguard took the world by storm with its electrifying plot, heart-pounding action, and simmering tension. But beneath the gripping story lies a web of complex characters and thought-provoking dialogue.

1. “I’m here to protect you, not to like you.” – David Budd



2. “Ma’am, I believe my job is to protect you from threats, not from being offended.” – David Budd


3. “I can’t do my job if I’m worrying about whether you’re going to get me killed.” – David Budd


4. “No one said being on the right side of history was going to be easy.” – Anne Sampson


5. “People see things on the news all the time. They don’t believe it’s real. They don’t believe it’s going to happen to them.” – David Budd


6. “You know what, David? The trouble with good guys like you is you’re all so predictable.” – Julia Montague


7. “When something seems too good to be true, it usually is.” – David Budd


8. “Every one of us is responsible for every one of us.” – David Budd


9. “You can’t protect me from myself.” – Julia Montague


10. “Power is more important than principles, is that what you’re saying?” – David Budd


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