
Civil war 2024 movie quotes

civil war quotes

Buckle Up, True Believers: A Deep Dive into Civil War (2024)

Have you ventured into the dystopian world of Alex Garland’s “Civil War” (2024)? This sci-fi thriller isn’t just about epic battles (though, with that title, you might expect some). It’s a mind-bending exploration of societal collapse, media manipulation, and the fight for truth.

Intrigued? Confused? We get it. This film is as thought-provoking as it is suspenseful.

Join us as we unpack “Civil War” (2024). In this blog, we’ll delve into the film’s social commentary, analyze the twists and turns of the plot, and dissect the captivating performances. Whether you’re a seasoned Garland fan or a newcomer to his dystopian visions, we’ll help you unravel the complexities of “Civil War” (2024).


Lee : Once you start asking those questions you can’t stop. So we don’t ask. We record so other people ask.


Civil war quotes

Lee : Every time I survived a war zone, I thought I was sending a warning home But here we are.

Lee : You *are* aware there’s a really huge civil war going on everywhere?

We Are Closer Than We Have Ever Been…

Civil war quotes

I’ve Never Felt More Scared And More Alive At The Same Time.”

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