Dive into the heartwarming world of Heartstopper, a graphic novel series that has captured the hearts of readers worldwide. Join me as we explore the beautiful and relatable coming-of-age stories of Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson. From their initial friendship to their blossoming romance, we’ll delve into the themes of love, acceptance, and self-discovery that make Heartstopper so special.
You don’t get to make me feel like crap anymore just because you hate yourself.
I deserve to be appreciated.
How do you talk to someone about something that they don’t wanna talk about?
I didn’t think so many people would suddenly think I’m a completely different person.
I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like you couldn’t tell me that.
I’m not, like, homophobic. I’m an ally.
Well, when you don’t figure out you’re gay until your late 20s, you tend to miss out on those beautiful gay teenage experiences