Lucifer is TV Series based on Characters created for DC Comics’ Vertigo by Neil Gaiman. The Story revolves around Lucifer morningstar who abandon hell and comes to earth for vacation where he run night club called Lux also he becomes Consultant for Los Angeles Police Department ..
Will see best quotes From Lucifer
Sometimes Betrayal Come From The Ones We Expect The Least

It Hurts, Not Being Accepted For Who you Are.

I Am Trying To Be God So That I Can Finally Be worthy Of Her.

you Shouldn’t Have To Change For Anyone. And Neither Should 1.

I am the Devil of my word

Sometimes we are what we are, and we should embrace that.

That’s why I don’t lie. It’s so hard to keep track of who knows what.

We need the most love when we’re being most unlovable.

The best thing to do is always to follow your greatest desire.