
Netflix My Demon Series Quotes

My Demon Series quotes

Are you a fan of Netflix’s gripping drama, My Demon? If you’re captivated by the series’ dark twists and complex characters, then you’re in for a treat. This blog delves deep into the heart of the show with a curated collection of the most impactful quotes.

From the haunting monologues to the unforgettable one-liners, these words will leave you pondering the complexities of human nature and the darkness that lurks within. Join us as we explore the power of language in shaping the narrative of My Demon.

Get ready to be captivated, challenged, and inspired as we uncover the hidden depths of this compelling series.

  • Do Dohee: “My life feels as if it’s shrouded in mist. Who is a friend and who is a foe? Or is everyone around me a foe? I can’t tell.”
  • Do Dohee: “Is the one approaching me through the mist a devil or an angel? Have they come to save me or destroy me? The truth is so fragile that even the faintest mist can hide it.”
  • Jeong Guwon: “Evil spirits deceive and confuse humans in their arrogant yet tempting ways, undermining them from both the inside and the outside.”
  • Do Dohee: “Only you can solve my problems. Because you’re the reason for my symptoms.”
  • Do Dohee: “So you’re saying that you’re a demon? Why call yourself a demon? What are you, a Pokémon?”
  • Jeong Guwon: “Humans tend to romanticize unnecessary and inefficient emotions as part of being human.”
  • Do Dohee: “If we ever get a second chance, let’s fight even harder and love each other more dearly.”
  • Jeong Guwon: “I can’t live without her.”
  • Do Dohee- “You need your tattoo and I need your powers.” – 
  • Prosecutor Choi – “Be careful, or I’ll indict you for stealing my heart.” 
  • Prosecutor Choi  – “People who are meant to do great things are certainly extraordinary.”
  • Madam Ju – “What’s best for you is what’s best for me.” 
  • Ms. Shin – “Growth can only happen after destruction.”
  • Jeong Guwon – “What scares me is you disappearing from this world. What scares me the most is a world without you.”
  • Wolsim – “We can’t run away from the world forever. As long as the world remains the same, so will our fate.”
  • Do Dohee – “It feels like when you died, a part of me died with you.” – 
  • Do Dohee – “We may destroy each other at times but we’re also the ones who save each other. Therefore, we are each other’s destroyers and saviors.” 

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