This dog’s canine friend got injured and stranded on the tracks, he stayed with her under the passing trains for two days. Denis Malafeyev, who shared...
The Pirates Series is back. Captain Jack Sparrow finds the winds of ill-fortune blowing even more strongly when deadly ghost pirates led by his old nemesis,...
Fast 8 is now The Fate of the Furious The first Fate of the Furious poster was revealed earlier today, too,
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016 (see 2015 here) came to an end on October 1st, and while we‘re waiting for the winners to be announced, let‘s...
What if a wall could Pee Back? Some people and drunken crowd often use streets as Public Urenal. That can be damn annoying, right? It was...
Jonathan 183 Year old Giant Tortoise who lives in St.Helina Island, He Might be the oldest living Land Animal on Earth He was brought to St...
Shengshan Island, a former fishing village that’s part of the Shengsi Island cluster some 96 miles southeast of Shanghai, is visually mesmerizing. The Villagers had abandon...
The Fairy Queen Train is Oldest steam Locomotive Runs Between New Delhi and Rajasthan Navpur Railway Station Built In 2 states half part in Gujrat And...
Woman. Best Creation Of God as people say. A Complex persona to understand and handle. Emotionaly stronger, much better at dealing things. If you agree just...
This bunny named Darius holds the Guinness World Record for being World’s Largest Rabbit. But this news isn’t a new one, then why is Darius in...