The Korean drama “Thirty But Seventeen” (also known as “Still 17”) captured hearts with its unique blend of romance, humor, and the poignant reality of moving forward after trauma. At the center of this story lies Woo Seo Ri, a woman who wakes up from a coma thirteen years later, forever stuck at the age of seventeen.

Through Seo Ri’s journey of rediscovering life and love, “Still 17” delivers a treasure trove of quotes that resonate deeply. This blog dives into some of the most memorable lines from the drama.


  1. Woo Seo-ri (to Woon-seung): “Even though I’m 30, my mind is still 17. How am I supposed to live like this?”

  2. Gong Woo-seung (to Seo-ri): “You may be stuck at 17, but the world has kept moving. Let me help you catch up.”

  3. Han Jung-woo (to Seo-ri): “Seeing you again is like a dream. But this time, I won’t let you go.”

  4. Seo-ri (to herself): “Living a lost life at 17 and a borrowed life at 30. Is this all there is?”

  5. Sim Hae-chul (to Woo-seung): “Don’t be afraid to open your heart. True healing can only come from love.”

  6. Seo-ri (to Han Jung-woo): “It’s not your fault. It’s just…fate was cruel to us.”

  7. Gong Woo-seung (to Seo-ri): “The past can’t be changed, but the future is unwritten. Let’s create new memories together.”

  8. Han Jung-woo (to himself): “Even if I can’t have her heart, I’ll always cherish the time we spent together.”

  9. Seo-ri (to Woo-seung): “Thank you for making me feel alive again. Thank you for showing me that life is worth living, even at 30.”

  10. Sim Hae-chul (to Seo-ri): “Life is a journey, Seo-ri. Embrace the present and look forward to the future.”

  11. Seo-ri (to her reflection): “Maybe 17 wasn’t the only me. Maybe 30 can be beautiful too.”

  12. Gong Woo-seung (to Seo-ri): “I don’t care how old you are, my heart sees only you.”

  13. Seo-ri (to Han Jung-woo): “Thank you for your love. It will always hold a special place in my heart.”

  14. Gong Woo-seung (holding Seo-ri’s hand): “Let’s walk this path together, Seo-ri. No matter where it leads.”

  15. Seo-ri (smiling): “Maybe 30 and 17 can coexist after all. Maybe that’s what makes me, me.”


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