The Umbrella Academy Quotes

Looking for quotes that are as dysfunctional, witty, and surprisingly profound as your favorite dysfunctional superhero family? Look no further than The Umbrella Academy Quotes! This series, filled with time-traveling assassins, super-powered siblings, and existential dread, delivers lines that are as quotable as they are thought-provoking.

In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best The Umbrella Academy quotes that capture the show’s essence: the humor in the face of the apocalypse, the struggle to find your place in the world, and the unbreakable bond of a truly messed-up family. So, grab your favorite beverage (whether it’s a potent cocktail à la Klaus or a calming cup of tea like Diego), and get ready to delve into the wisdom (and absurdity) of The Umbrella Academy!

    1. “We didn’t choose this life, we’re just living in it.” – Luther Hargreeves

    2. “Family is supposed to make you feel safe, but sometimes it’s the thing that hurts you the most.” – Allison Hargreeves

    3. “I’m not a hero, I’m just trying to do what’s right.” – Diego Hargreeves

    4. “The world ends, and we can’t do a damn thing about it. That’s the real tragedy.” – Five Hargreeves

    5. “We’re not defined by our powers, but by what we do with them.” – Vanya Hargreeves

    6. “Time travel is messy, and I’m the janitor.” – Number Five

    7. “You can’t outrun your destiny, no matter how hard you try.” – Reginald Hargreeves

    8. “The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is now.” – Pogo

    9. “Love is the most powerful force in the universe, but it can also be the most destructive.” – Grace Hargreeves

    10. “Sometimes the only way to find yourself is to lose yourself first.” – Ben Hargreeves

    11. “Every family is a little bit messed up. Ours is just more messed up than most.” – Luther Hargreeves

    12. “Secrets have a way of coming out, no matter how hard you try to hide them.” – Allison Hargreeves

  1. “The only way to move forward is to confront your past.” – Diego Hargreeves

  2. “Power is meaningless if you have nothing worth fighting for.” – Five Hargreeves

  3. “Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.” – Vanya Hargreeves

  4. “We’re all searching for something, even if we don’t know what it is.” – Number Five

  5. “You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it.” – Reginald Hargreeves

  6. “Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.” – Pogo

  7. “The bonds of family are stronger than any superpower.” – Grace Hargreeves

  8. “In the end, all we have is each other.” – Ben Hargreeves


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